Suuqiina painting

Indigenous Messengers International

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Suuqiina and Qaumaniq Biography of Dr. Iglahliq Suuqiina
and Dr. Qaumaniq Suuqiina, C.E.A.P.

Dr. Iglahlq Suuqiina has a PHD in Theology. He served as a pastor for 21 years and served locally as a hospital and police Chaplain. He is an impressionistic oil painter, ivory carver, and jewelry craftsman. He is a concert pianist performing on several musical productions. He is a published author of books and an experienced pilot. He served on the Board of Directors for the Thirteenth Regional Corporation, an Alaska Native Corporation and was a charter member of International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel.

Qaumaniq is an Ordained Pastoral Counselor and Certified Expressive Arts Practitioner. She is a graduate of The Expressive Arts Training Institute and The Professional Training Program in Expressive Arts Therapy in Laguna Beach, California. Qaumaniq was the Director and Lead Therapist for C.C.M., a counseling center specializing in the treatment of addictions, co-dependency, sexual abuse and domestic violence. She also worked as a counselor in an inpatient co-dependency treatment center specializing in experiential therapy and served as Lead Therapist at an inpatient eating disorders treatment center. She is a trained dancer, musician and published author.

Dr. Iglahliq Suuqiina and Qaumaniq Suuqiina, C.E.A.P., co-direct Indigenous Messengers International, dedicated to reconciliation between God and man/woman through the study and application of the Word of God through the Spirit of the Messiah. They utilize the study of the ancient Hebrew language to bring revelation and understanding through their teachings. They also are committed to restoration and healing of all cultures, genders and living things through the process of honor.

The Suuqiinas travel internationally facilitating retreats utilizing expressive arts, experiential therapeutic exercises, sacred ceremony, meditation and prayer for the purpose of creating healing and wellness in the lives of individuals.

They serve as conference and seminar speakers. They are founding members of the Indigenous Christian Association and Dr. Suuqiina has served on the planning team of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous Peoples. They are instructors for the U.S. Center of World Missions and have served as instructors for the International School of Reconciliation. They served for several years as the North American Representatives for a Jewish organization in Israel.

The Suuqiinas have traveled internationally facilitating retreats using expressive arts, experiential therapeutic exercises, sacred biblical ceremony, meditation and prayer for the purpose of creating healing and wellness in the lives of individuals.

A PDF copy of this bio is available here for you to download and print.

Bio photographs you may download and print. Please click on photo to go to large high-resolution version:

Dr. Iglahliq Suuqiina and Reverend Qaumaniq Suuqiina, C.E.A.P.

Corporate Office:
1231 Northern Lights Blvd.
Suite 431
Anchorage, AK 99503

California Branch:
P.O. Box 5187
La Quinta, CA 92248
fax: 208-924-9909